Sunday, July 25, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

So I found out that I now have tuesdays off, which leaves me not working sunday-tuesday every week, at least until september. I'm deciding whether or not if I should find another part time job to take up some time with my life, since I get too bored when I am sitting at home. However, I did just get netflix which is AWESOME because i get to watch movies instantly plus get a movie sent to my house..and play the movies on my tv with the wii disc! all that joy for only $9 a month. And, I am saving money because this way I won't buy as many movies. this leaves me space for the overgrowing supply of DVDs i have been buying...

I also want to buy an e-reader. this may save me money on buying many books. Thoughts anyone? Plus they are handy for the gym. Since reading passes the time on the elliptical, i usually bring a book and don't notice how long i'm spending on it until my legs start to die. But paperbacks, which are cheaper, tend to flop around all the time its hard to keep a hand on it while trying to stay balanced. There is my argument.

Anyways, I now have two days off...too spend doing..not much. So i will spend it at the trying to not spend money on clothes. Maybe I should just get rid of some!

who am i kidding...


  1. I love Netflix, I just finished watching Arrested Development. :) I have created a love hate relationship with the elliptical machine. I loathe it until I get on it then I won't get off. Haha.

  2. oh i havent seen that! yeah its not that bad once your on it...i feel good after i get off!

  3. It's pretty funny. There are only three seasons though. The other day I couldn't stop myself and kept going levels up. I think I thought I was playing Mario or something.
