Friday, August 13, 2010

Music is so great!

I bought the new Audrey assad CD...LOVE IT. you must go buy it. She went to PBA so I wanted to support her, but it is awesome. pure worship.

I listen to so many different types of music, and I think it is so great how songs can affect your mood and speak to your heart. One of my favorite things to do is roll the windows down, blast the music up, and sing my heart out while it's a great feeling.

Anyways, not much has been going on in these past few weeks recently. I went up to michigan to see my parents new place which is beautiful. It is right on a lake and the view is just gorgeous. It will be even more gorgeous in the fall.. It was nice to be with my family too..I have been feeling like a workaholic lately. So this was a nice break.

Other than that mini vaca, I've just been working...and hanging out with my roommate, who is great :)
